FREE KINDER 2024/2025
Kindergarten programs for four-year-old and eligible three-year-old children in Victorian Government funded services will be free as part of the Best Start, Best Life reform. This investment will save families up to $2,500 for each child enrolled in a participating funded kindergarten program.
What Free Kinder means at our service
Ormond Community Kindergarten has opted into the Free Kinder initiative. Applicable parent fees are:
Funded sessional kindergarten for 3-year-old children (15 hours per week) – no parent fee
Funded sessional kindergarten for 4-year-old children (15 hours per week) - no parent fee
Fees and Charges for 2024/2025
This is a complete list of fees & Charges for OCK
What Are Special Events ?
Special Events are outside of the weekly program and can include incursions (inside kinder) and excursions (outside of kinder). Events are chosen based on the program and children’s interests and are announced during the term.
Paying for Special Events
Special event are paid for when you commence at OCK.
If you are eligible for a concession you do not pay for special events.
As special events are paid for per group, so no refund is given for children who do not attend specific events.
Due to free kinder concessions do not apply to kinder fees. However, families who hold a concession are exempt from paying special event charges. You are eligible for a concession if:
your child identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
your child is identified on their birth certificate as being a multiple birth child (triplets or more).
you hold a Commonwealth Health Care Card
you hold a Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card
you hold a Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or White Card
you hold a Refugee or Asylum Seeker visa (200-204, 786 or 866) or a bridging visa for Refugee or Asylum Seeker visa
Please provide a copy of your supporting documentation (front and back of any cards) to the enrolments officer.