Refunds are only available for those who hold a valid concession
Refunds are only available for those who hold a valid concession
What is a Concession?
What is a Concession?
Families who hold a concession are exempt from paying special event charges. You are eligible for a concession if:
your child identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
your child is identified on their birth certificate as being a multiple birth child (triplets or more).
you hold a Commonwealth Health Care Card
you hold a Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card
you hold a Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or White Card
you hold a Refugee or Asylum Seeker visa (200-204, 786 or 866) or a bridging visa for Refugee or Asylum Seeker visa
Please provide a copy of your supporting documentation (front and back of any cards) to the enrolments officer.
Acceptable Cards
Acceptable Cards